Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Weekend Full Of Glory

Hello all! Just a friendly reminder that we are still here posting blogs and coming up with ideas for your entertainment. So to anyone that has been reading these posts, we thank you! We appreciate the support. As for videos, I August know that I was very nasty for eating the yogurt and blue cheese, everyone has been giving me hell about it. So, thank you again for watching and we are still coming up with some more ideas for other stupid videos to post.

In other news...if anyone has been reading up lately and saw the countdown posted up a few days ago, then you would know that we had a nice and friendly bet between our good buddies Ryne and Cory. The bet was a match of Halo Reach, them vs me to a score of 50. The countdown was a timer until the game started, which was around midnight Friday night. So as for the game, we played and it took almost two hours to complete. From certain circumstances of my poor decision in map choosing, it was a very close game...but I came out victorious. 50 to 45 was the final score. And now Ryne and Cory will be posting up a very embarrassing picture up on our site as well as Facebook for all to see! So be sure to stay tuned for that here soon and have yourself a good laugh, you deserve it.

And for those Walking Dead fans, how about that episode? It was pretty awesome. Vicious zombies and Rick and Shane had the fight we've all been waiting for with some new questions about loyalty and trust between some of the characters. And what are we gonna do with the new guy?

So let us know what you think or if you have anything else you wanna say, see ya soon. Stay classy.

Oh! And me and my friend Taylor tried eating a spoonful of cinnamon at work yesterday, and apparently I did it wrong. But it was still freaking hot! Anyways, there's a video on our YouTube channel of it, nothing crazy a little silly, but poor camera work from a kitchen guy. Enjoy!

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