Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Today I Lived

August here. Today was an amazing day from the minute I woke up. To start the day off, my phone was filled with comments and texts from all of my friends saying how funny and stupid I am for making that video last night (if you haven't checked it out, please do so). After a nice healthy breakfast of cereal, a banana, and orange juice, I had a good 45 minute conversation on the phone with my dad in Philadelphia. So after I caught up with him and felt pretty good, I Skyped with my business partner Jon of course, and played some Halo to practice so I can win Friday's bet between me, Cory, and Ryne. Now today is Wednesday, my third day of classes at ETSU. But on Wednesdays however, I only have one class at 4 o'clock, that last from 4 to 6:50. As interesting as my Philosophy class is, I just wasn't feeling it today. I wanted to go out and do something. I wanted to stay on the computer and watch my video all day. I wanted to play Halo. I wanted to listen to music and talk to my buddies. Plus it was raining, so I was wanting to be lazy.

Around 2 o'clock I was still talking to Jon, and I was just saying how much I didn't want to go to my long class. Of course he told me to just skip, but I felt guilty. I hate missing school or work, or whatever. I'm very responsible to those who do not know me. But over the last few weeks I have had this craving that I had to fill, and today I wanted to fill it. Wednesday's are also of course Wing Wednesdays' at Hooters. All you can eat wings for eleven bucks? You can't beat that. The only problem is, I never have anyone to go with. It's always a conflict in schedule or money with all my buddies, so I never get to go. My other craving was to go see the re-release of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in 3D before it left theaters. Now, I saw this movie when I was a kid in theaters, but I wanted to see it again. First of all, it was in 3D. Second of all, I wanted to be the guy that told his kids that he saw all the re-releases of Star Wars in theaters. But again, another problem occurred. I had no one to go with! It's pretty much like this with everything I do, I just have no one to go with or eat with, whatever, so I just don't do it.

Now I'm not complaining. I'm a positive guy in all aspects. But there was something about today that made me think differently. Why did I have to wait for others to go do something fun? Why couldn't I go do it regardless if anybody's with me or not? There's no rules in society that says so. I wanted to take the day and live for it instead of being cooped up in a lecture that I was bound to fall asleep in. So I decided to go live. I made plans for Hooters and to see Star Wars for the night instead of going to class. I showered, got ready, made sure I looked sharp, and around 4:30 I left to go start my adventure. But I was productive however, I did go to the bank and deposit some money and pay my rent and utility bill for my apartment.

As I was driving I couldn't help but sing to all my favorite songs and not think about those delicious wings I was about to eat. I felt weird going in there alone, but I didn't care. As I arrived and walked in, I felt like everyone was staring at me. The hostess told me to sit wherever I please so I sat in the back. Now I'm not going to run through my entire meal, but lets just say it was perfect. My waitress was extremely kind and cared for my needs, as well as suggested a new flavor of wings that were delicious! (not to mention she was pretty cute too) but besides that, my wings came out so fast I couldn't even finish the plate before hand. I ate three plates and I was stuffed. I left her a good tip, walked out the door, and headed towards the theater.

I walked into the lobby of the theater and found my showing for 7:15. It was another hour until the movie, so I had time to kill. I decided to go to the mall and see what I could find. Already walking into the mall, I ran into a buddy of mine that I haven't seen awhile. So I got to have a good conversation with him before heading on my own. The only store that caught my attention afterwards was PacSun. Here lately I've been trying to change up my wardrobe, so I thought I would check it out and see what was going on. As I went in I heard some of the best indie rock music playing in the background while I looked through some of the clearance items. I saw an awesome deal for buy one, half off the order. So I was like why not. I'm living today. Usually I'm very responsible with my money and I never spend it, but again today was different. So I picked out some nice shirts and I found a pair of skinny jeans that I thought I would try on for the hell of it. I had to ask the girl putting up clothes for opinion how I looked cause I'm very cautious with stuff I wear. She said I looked great, and two others said I did too. So I bought them. But they said if I got that, I could get another one for fifteen dollars. So I bought those too. After that I decided to go to Hot Topic and purchase a new CD, which was Foster The People. (I've been digging them lately) and I even bought a Captain America shirt! I had to leave the mall before I bought anything else.

So finally it was time! Star Wars, at 7:15. I bought me a bottle water and some cookie dough candy and I made myself comfy. As the opening credits rolled I was in awe for a second because this is what I've been wanting to do for awhile now. It wasn't that I was so excited for Star Wars, but it was just the excitement of being able to do whatever I wanted to. I like that freedom sometimes, and I only save it for random occasions. Sometimes I just get tired of living responsibly 24/7. Sometimes I just want to let loose and do whatever I please. So today was my day that I lived. I've been told life is too short to live, so make the best of it. And here lately with all the things I've seen lately on the news, around school, and around my community, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Life is too short, especially if the 2012 theory is true...but the best part of this entire story is yet to come. As I come home and check my email, I find my Philosophy professor emailing all of her students to say that she was sick, and class was canceled. I couldn't help but grin. So maybe life has a plan for you regardless what you do. Maybe you're meant to do the things you do daily, because everything works out in the end. Always does. So I hope you enjoyed my little story, I thought it was pretty eventful.

Oh! and if you haven't checked out the video of me being stupid, please do so! It's funny :)


  1. Okay first off the coldplay track went well while reading this. And the imagery was great i pictured you doing everyhing haha. Sounds like you had a great day brother.

  2. Haha thanks man, it really did flow great together. And the playlist has some awesome songs on here.
