Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Walking Dead

Wow, what an incredible episode! The second half of season two has started and it has already been filled with more zombies, action, and intensifying drama between all of the characters that is about to explode. Tonight's episode, "Triggerfinger" has got us talking and hopefully all of you doing the same.

August: For me personally, this episode was about tensions building up getting ready to be released. Especially between Rick and Shane. But before we get into that...I want to point out the first half of the episode. The opening scene with the zombie trying to force its way into the car window to get to Lori was a great way to start off the scene of her trouble. I loved the shoot out with Rick, Hershel, and Glenn, and the other guys outside. It was a circle of trust and determination for them to get out of that situation and get back home. I liked that Hershel really showed another side of his character more. He obviously knows how to shoot a gun, cause he took down a walker and shot the guy shooting at Glenn. After this whole incident at the bar I feel that Rick and Hershel are very close now on terms of respect. Hershel see's Rick's true character as well as his leadership, and he knows he can trust him. My thoughts about Shane and his character is that he is a bastard. Each episode he shows more attributes towards the antagonist. He says he is just trying to protect the group, but he just cares about himself and Lori. Him lying to Lori to get her back to the barn was hopefully a sign to Lori that he is bad news.

Jon: This episode was amazing, as the first half brought up a rare sight for The Walking Dead, conflict with another group of humans. It added a new element of unpredictability as while Walkers are slow,dumb and easy to kill. Humans are quick, clever and armed for battle.And the scene came off really exciting, The scene with Lori and the zombie peeling his own skin off from the window was amazing and the appearance of Shane's behavior has furthered the ongoing conflict between Shane and Rick. As now it's not only their methods and ideals that have brought the once best friends into conflict, but now the paternity of Lori's child pitting the two on a crash course to a confrontation.

August: I agree Jon. The last half of the episode with Shane and Lori's confrontation about the baby and their feelings was a great way to set the tone to see where it's going. In my hopes, I want it to be Rick's child. Even though there could be a good possibility of it being Shane's, Rick should have been the only man touching that woman! That leads me to Lori's character now, I judged her as soon as I saw she had a thing with Shane in season one. I hated to see such a good and honest guy like Rick be betrayed by his wife like that. Zombie apocalypse should have not been an excuse...not for a long time at least.

Jon: Yes, but I feel leaving it undetermined and Rick growing to deal with conflicted feelings of resentment and love for the child as they will never be able to definitively answer the question of who's Lori's baby daddy, since the destruction of the CDC facility in season 1 signified the end to the only modern aspects left of the world's pre-zombie sate. But personally I didn't see Lori in a negative light, she had beleived Rick dead. Shane was the only guilty party to their torrid affair, zombie apocalypse isn't an excuse. But being told by your husband's partner and best friend that he was killed by Walker's you have little reason to actually doubt him.

August: Well, either way I don't like the whole situation between all of them. As for Glenn, I wish he would go ahead and be with Maggie, she loves him and cares about him and he turns away? I know he says that he can't do that to the group, but it's the end of the world man, he needs to be with her! I think that Daryl is in an emotional bind right now because of Sophia. Since he spent all of that time looking for her and only to find her turn into a walker, he has nothing else to fight for now. I feel that he just wants to be left alone and not have to put up with anybody now. I'm hoping his brother Merle will show up sometime by the end of the season since we know he is still alive, and when that happens, Daryl and Merle will raise some hell together.

Jon: You're not supposed to like the situation, it's supposed to play out like an episode of Jerry Springer. And Glenn saw the consequences of being with Maggie, it makes him less of an asset.The need of the many outweigh the need of the one, and this is the Walking Dead there should be no happy endings, their world has been ravaged by a zombie appocalypse.There is no happy ending for Rick's survivors or the human race in general. Daryl's not in a bind he's emotionally withdrew, he has decided that becoming emotionally invested in the group is pointless in the state of the world, and the presumed loss of his brother and then the very real death of Sophia has opened his eyes to how futile their existance in their world is.

Well that's enough discussion for now...the point is that this episode was very good and we cannot wait to see what happens next week and for the remaining of the season. So please read, enjoy, and comments would be nice!


  1. I'll tell you this. Shane was right lying to Lauri. He had to make sure she was safe an well because of the baby. He's still bad news, but he did the right thing in bringing Lauri back. Glenn and Maggie will work it out I think because Glenn is just in shock because of what happened at the bar. You all didn't talk about Hershel's daughter. She's becoming a zombie!!!!

    1. Jon:

      He did do the right thing, but only for purely selfish reasons. His refusal to go after Rick, and the others didn't stem from his desire to protect Lori and the baby primarily, he was hoping Rick to be killed so he gains Lori, the baby and unopposed leadership over the survivors and the farm. He's in shock at what happened at the bar, but what happened at the bar happened due to his feelings with Maggie. He would need time to learn to balance that.And they'll likely end up in some kind of a facsimile of a relationship but it will not end well, every relationship on this show has had a flaw that leads it to tragedy.

      And we weren't shown her bit, at this point all that theory is is conjecture. And the sysmptoms she is displaying don't match the ones present by Jim back during Season 1.

  2. Maybe not but she is in a catatonic state and SHE HAS A HIGH FEVER. Plus she was attacked by a walker so maybe somehow she was infected. I agree with you on Shane. Glenn as well. I wonder how it will play out. But there's still hope for happy endings, I mean I hear Nebraska is nice :)

    1. But the Walking Dead is famous for it's misdirection at every turn, unless a walker cut her and it's blood entered her wound(which we never saw) I assume it's something else.

      And nope no happy endings, not even in Nebraska.(The information the men delivered is questionable at best,as they were planning to murder the trio anyway)

  3. How do you know they were planning to murder them? Not at first but when they wanted to stay on the farm that's when it got hostile. If you have ever read any of the comics you would know about some of the things the Walking Dead is using.

    1. First I have read them, So I'm more informed then you little Walking Dead wiki bitch.They were hostile from the beginning,they were a scouting party looking for supplies. In an even large group then the two in the bar, and three who showed up to search for them.And once both groups were set to murder Rick,Hershel and Glenn there information became questionable at best and a flat out lie at worse. They mentioned they ran across various other groups and gained these rumors, wonder why they didn't stay with them?Likely because they had previously shot and killed and their supplies taken.

      And they came in the bar likely to look for the keys to the two cars out front, with some gear in it.
